Christian coaching:
A Biblical approach with practical solutions

Dr. Matt Bernsdorff, Th.D., Ph.D.

Board Certified Christian Mental Health Coach (AACC)

Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor (NCCA)

Master of Arts in Therapeutic Christian Counseling

Doctorate in Theology

Ph.D. in Christian Counseling

Move Forward Through Challenges and Obstacles!

Even the strongest person and most devout believer can encounter circumstances that leave them feeling overwhelmed, out of control, and even in despair! Could that be you?

For example, you may be:

  • fighting to keep your marriage together

  • overwhelmed with anxiety, depression, or guilt

  • tired of being under the control of a sinful habit

  • hurt by someone in the church and struggling to move forward

  • wrestling with some other kind of internal issue

Whether it be a fulfilling relationship or more peace, purpose, and satisfaction in life, God’s plan for your life is worth fighting for!

Click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with Matt.

Marriage Difficulties? Struggling with Anxiety, Depression, or Other Challenges?

You may be taken aback by your situation, but God is never caught off guard. The good news is that God can take broken pieces of your life and put them together into a beautiful mosaic - a work of art that did not exist before and one that could not exist without the broken pieces.  

You CAN move from:

  • a broken marriage to a happy marriage

  • overwhelming emotions to peace and tranquility

  • addiction to freedom

  • hurt to healing

  • trauma to triumph

I Can Help You Find Solutions!

Over the last twenty years of ministry, I have enjoyed the privilege of serving the Lord in various capacities, including pastor, counselor, teacher, and foreign missionary. Everywhere I’ve been I’ve witnessed a proven solution to the most complex problems in life: God’s Word works wonders when properly applied!

Click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with Matt.

How It Works

My coaching utilizes this solution by directing a person through a Christ-centered application of biblical truths. Knowing how to apply these truths to your situation makes all the difference. That’s where the coaching comes in. The framework I use is to:

  1. Examine the foundation of a problem, which is sometimes connected with a faulty belief system.

  2. Administer a strategic faith analysis.

  3. Provide Scripture saturation training.

  4. Apply specific biblical instruction to overcome the problem, reach God-given potential, and please the Lord.

Transformation Means a New You

A biblical approach like this facilitates transformation from the inside out. It also equips you with the tools you need to prevent future pitfalls. Without a core transformation, we will always return to the same destructive patterns and never experience victorious living.

Discovering your true identity in Christ with a divine purpose is foundational to this process.

I provide a safe, professional, and nurturing environment where you can openly share your struggles and receive a custom-fit solution to move forward. There truly is long-lasting freedom from the bondage of hurts and behaviors that prevent you from living the life God intended.

I look forward to helping you take the next step.

Click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute phone consultation with Matt.